Sunday, February 27, 2011

Naked Raku

When we had finished our pieces they were put in the bisque kiln. When ready they could be glazed. The technique we used was 'The Naked Raku Process'.

Before the Bisque kiln.

These are some wire pieces. We explored the forms we made with wire and also used wire to create a piece that would enhance our vessel.

When placed in the kiln, it had to reach 1000 Degrees before they could be removed gently with a tongs.

Then they were placed in the reduction chamber with lots of sawdust and left for up to 40 minutes. This is where the magic happens!

Et Viola!
These beautiful metallic surface is what we firt see when thay have cooled down and been taken out of the reduction chamber.

But... This is how the finished pieces looked. Eventually that lovely brown colour will chip off because of the resist used, this creates an egg shell like surface.

And these are my three finished vessels!


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